I write in PHP, JS,HTML and CSS.
In the framework world I like to use Mithril.js,
because it is very light-footed and has no dependencies.
In the CMS area, I got used to getkirby.com.
Die Welt in BielJohn-David Deubl
Engeler VerlagSusanne Gafner
cantine mobileJohn-David Deubl
Carre NoirSusanne Gafner
Enrique Muñoz GarcíaJohn-David Deubl
Vinz FellerNadia Squillante
Tobias SchrammSusanne Gafner
trop share to shareJohn-David Deubl
Physio Domizil BielNadia Squillante
Kawumba | PlakateJohn-David Deubl
FigurentheaterszeneSusanne Gafner
juraplatzEnrique Muñoz García
Apps for KaiOs
https://github.com/strukturart/feedolinRSS/Atom Reader and MediaPlayer
https://github.com/strukturart/gregCalendar app
o.mapmap app